Local procurement

Local procurement
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Local procurement

Our responsibility to work with suppliers to build a supply chain that respects the environment, human rights, safety, health, and sustainable development. 

Local Procurement Percentage

Qisda strives to implement local procurement to establish a closer cooperative relationship with suppliers and improve supply efficiency and support local economic development. Based on the procurement ratio of Qisda in 2023, the local procurement ratio of Qisda in China was 73.4%, the local procurement ratio in Vietnam was 20.5%, and the local procurement ratio in Taiwan was 52.2%.



Conflict Mineral Management

Being a global citizen, Qisda supports the boycott activities of the international society for conflict minerals and establishes the Qisda Conflict Mineral Commitment. In addition, we refer to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and work with the suppliers to perform conflict mineral investigations in order to prevent direct or indirect purchase of the conflict minerals by the suppliers.


We have developed an internal management procedure. After the review, we return the documents to the suspected supplier for confirmation. In case of confirming that the supplier uses a smelter not listed in the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP), we will ask it to fill in the implementation plan and inform it of related risks. In 2023, a total of 336 suppliers were investigated. By signing the Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers, we ensure compliance with the OECD's relevant requirements for conflict minerals.


  • In 2023, the proportion of suppliers signing the Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers was approximately 99.7%.