Occupational Safety, Health and Management

Occupational Safety, Health and Management
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OH&S Management

Qisda has formed the Corporate Sustainable Development Committee and the Occupational Safety and Health Committee to take actions on workplace safety and health. From top-level to entry-level positions, every employee is responsible for completing jobs safely. 

Qisda also implements all safety and health requirements through green operational activities. Qisda has obtained Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001:2018) certificates for all operating locations since 2019, conducted hazard identification and risk assessment annually and continued to go through verification processes.

Strict compliance with laws of the countries in which Qisda operates its factories
  • Strict compliance with laws of the countries in which Qisda operates its factories
  • Chemicals management
  • Safety management regarding equipment automation
  • Change management
  • Occupational safety and health education and training
  • Safety management of contracted construction
Promotion of Safety Climate Assessments and Activities
  • Qisda connects the assessments with green operational performances and implements safety measures for employees from top-level to entry-level.
  • Further improving the performance of safety and health management and reaching the goal of work safety.With the realization of promotional activities, Qisda continued to keep the score above 90 in 2023.
Risk and Hazard Management
  • In Taiwan, the cumulative total work hours without occupational disaster since 2011 have reached 30.58 million. The total work hours without occupational disaster in 2023 were around 2.71 million hours. There were no work-related injuries or deaths of contractors working on-site.

Occupational Safety Risk and Hazard Management


To effectively prevent occupational accidents, the Company has established procedures of hazard and risk identification. All the routine or non-routine activities of the employees, visitors, permanent suppliers, and contractors that may cause harm to personnel or lead to accidents are subject to the comprehensive operational hazard identification. The risk level of each hazard is determined based on the exposure frequency, possibility, and severity of the hazardous incident.

(Please refer to Qisda's Social Responsibility and Environment,Safety/Health Policy for details.)


Using material safety and health hazard risks as reference, we formulate corrective plans and manage operations to eliminate unsafe behavior and environments. In 2023, 11 material safety and health hazard risks were identified. With the risk of fire, damage due to the equipment maintenance and damage due to the use of chemicals as the three main categories, four active OSH management indicators were defined and met in 2023.

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