Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers

Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers
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Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers

With reference to relevant international specifications and initiatives including the RBA Code of Conduct, SA8000 social accountability standards, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, Qisda has established the “Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers” that includes labor, health and safety, environment, ethics and management systems. In terms of environmental management, we have also established and published Commitment to No-Deforestation and Biodiversity to lessen impact on the environment.


We require that all suppliers understand and obey the content of the “Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers”.

The signing rate of the Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers
99.7 %

Code of Conduct for Sustainable Development of Suppliers

LaborHealth and safetyEnvironmentEthicsManagement system
Human rights riskOccupational Safety and Industrial HygienePermits and ReportingBusiness IntegrityCommitment,Accountability and Responsibility
Freedom to choose an occupationEmergency PreoarednessPollution Prevention and Resource ReductionNo Improper AdvantageRisk Management and Improvement Objectives
Child labor and Young workersOccupational Injury and IllnessHazardous SubstanceDisclosure of InformationTraining, Communication and Grievance
Working hoursPhysically Demanding Work and Machine SafeguardingSolid Waste and Air EmissionsIntellectual PropertyAssessments, Corrective Action, Documentation and Records
Wages and BenefitsSanitation, Food and HousingWater ManagementFair Business,Advertising and CompetitionSupplier Responsibility
Humane TreatmentCommunication and GrievanceMaterial RestrictionsWhistleblower protection 
Non-discrimination/Non-harassment Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas EmissionsResponsible Sourcing of Minerals 
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining BiodiversityInformation Security and Privacy 

Proactive Screening


We appreciate that supplier sustainability performances may indirectly affect Qisda's reputation and even bring potential risks. Therefore, we have established evaluation criteria for new suppliers and proactively screens suppliers to reduce potential risks. Our assessment factors include ESG, operations-related factors, country of location, industry-related, and product-related risk factors. When significant international events occur, we also conduct investigation and assessment on affected regions, industries and supply sources to secure the stability and sustainability of the supply chain.

EnvironmentCarbon footprint investigation, investigation of five persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals under the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), ISO 14001 or relevant environmental management procedures.
SocialHuman rights and ethics, labor rights
GovernanceEducation and training on financial status, operational competitive edge, and occupational safety and health
Operations relatedBasic data, product information, major customers, production and equipment status, investment, and product planning
Country of locationStatus of the supply (whether affected or not) in the located region, conflicts between countries (military coup related problems), local policy constraints, natural disasters and epidemic
Industry relatedRBA Code of Conduct assessment, sustainability risk assessment, parts and components suppliers, human resources agency/ on-site service providers
Product relatedProcurement fee, supply category, no legal documents related to restriction of hazardous substances, conflict mineral investigation

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