Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation
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Climate Adaptation and Mitigation


Climate change has significantly affected the living environment of all the organisms. More people are concerned about the carbon management issues as the domestic regulations on the reduction of greenhouse gases and the international Paris Agreement have become effective. Qisda has planned climate strategies and implemented carbon management with the sustainable development of the Company as the core.

  • The board of directors reviews and guides climate change strategies, action plans and annual goals, and the sustainable director is appointed to be responsible for drafting, planning and promoting.
  • Perform climate change risk detection and response in the Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability Management Committee on a quarterly basis, and regularly report to the Board of Directors every year.

  • Green Product :Qisda reviews the carbon emissions of the products and the opportunity of reduction from the viewpoint of the life cycle.
  • Green Operation:Inventory the organization's GHG emissions, and establish a green operating system with the energy management system and sustainable KPI management system.
  • Green Supply Chain:Improve supply chain greening performance in three stages of cognition, promotion and sustainability.

Metrics and Targets
  • Tracking the inventory of GHG
  • Tracking CDP score
  • The management of product carbon footprint
  • Passed the SBT target review in February 2024.
  • In the future, we will engage with the value chain to march towards RE100 and achieve our net-zero emission goals.

Risk Management
  • Integrate climate risks into the enterprise risk management (ERM) processes.
  • In 2023, we followed up on two major risks: production interruption in factories and the supply interruption of suppliers.We also established response strategies such as the Business Continuity Plans (BCP).

Risks and Opportunities

Identify and manage risks and opportunities, respond to risk impacts in advance, explore development opportunities and internalize climate governance.

Their Financial Impact

Risk typeClimate Change Related RiskImpact Period
Transition RiskPolicy and RegulationQisda regularly checks for compatibility with climate change-related laws and regulations every year, incorporating laws that pose a higher risk in the assessment performed by the Risk Management Committee and the ESG Committee. If they are confirmed as potential risks, they will be set as a key performance indicator for management that year, and will continue to be monitored every quarter. 
Domestic and international regulations and laws 
Medium and long-term 
Carbon trading and carbon taxMedium-term
TechnologyStarting from the initial stage of product realization—product design—we aim to minimize carbon emissions and impact on the environment. As stakeholders have become more aware of product carbon reduction, Qisda has included this issue in our risk assessments since 2009.Satisfy consumer expectations and market demandsLong-term
Purchase energy-saving equipment and materials    Long-term
Safety regulations in various countries have increasingly stringent requirements for energy efficiencyLong-term
Suppliers fail to achieve the goal of carbon reductionLong-term
Energy-saving equipmentMedium and long-term
Purchase green electricityMedium and long-term
MarketConsumers are becoming more and more aware of the environmental impact of the products they purchase. If the environmental performance of our products cannot meet their expectations, there will be market risks.Consumer’s sustainability awarenessLong-term
Rising costs of raw materialsShort and medium-term
Customer behavior changesLong-term
ReputationThe identification and management of climate risks can affect the way the Company is viewed by external stakeholders and further influence business in long term.Reputational riskLong-term
Long-termAcute physical risksQisda has established an emergency joint defense mechanism, further integrating the Company and the Group’s resources to assess and analyze climate events that may impact the Company’s operations every year.Typhoon, flood, and snowstormsMedium and long-term
Long-term physical risksRegarding the long-term global climate trend, Qisda has identified risks and progressively adopted responsive strategies to prevent possible impact.Water and electricity shortageLong-term
Increase of annual temperatureLong-term

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