Stakeholder Questionnaire

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- Stakeholder Questionnaire
Dear stakeholders,
In order to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of Qisda Technology's various initiatives in social responsibility and the performance of sustainable development, we consistently compile and publish an annual sustainability report. The sustainability report for the current fiscal year is scheduled for release in July 2025. To facilitate effective communication with stakeholders, we sincerely invite you to express your genuine thoughts, provide valuable opinions and suggestions, and assist us in understanding the issues that matter to you. Your input will serve as a crucial reference for information disclosure.
Should you have any related questions, feel free to contact us. We are more than willing to provide explanations.
Contacts: Ves Lu / Vivian YT Liao
Phone:03-3598800 / Vivian YT
Very High
Board of directors diversity, operations, and performance evaluation.
Combat corruption, unfair competition practices, and antitrust activities. Establish a revised Code of Conduct emphasizing integrity in business operations in 2020. Strengthen education, training, and communication regarding the employee code of conduct.
Establish a risk management framework for risk identification, response strategies, and ongoing risk management and control for operational continuity. Conduct sensitivity analysis and stress testing for both financial and non-financial aspects of risk.
The company's tax strategy; tax-related management and practices, such as tax information transparency and tax risk management.
Revenue, expenses, profit, financial management, and market performance, along with other relevant financial information.
Investment in research and development expenses, innovation in product/process, patent acquisition, uniqueness, reduction of the use of harmful and toxic waste in the manufacturing process, and designing environmentally friendly products through a lifecycle approach.
Various customer service management practices, customer complaints, communication platforms, and technical support.
Establish an information security management organization, and formulate an information security policy in accordance with the principles of ISO 27001. Continuously enhance the company's information security control mechanisms and reduce security risks through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. Conduct regular vulnerability scans to ensure the security of the information security system.
Integrate RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) requirements into the procurement policy, promote supplier risk investigation, audits, and collaborative efforts. Develop a supply chain management strategy, including measures to avoid conflict minerals in procurement, green supplier management standards, and assessments/audits of suppliers' environmental practices.
${ nullArr.length === index + 1 ? item : item+','}
. You haven't finished answering yetVery High
Through TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), inventorying and calculating greenhouse gas emissions, and implementing various decarbonization practices, identify carbon emission hotspots along with their associated risks and opportunities. Adopt both "mitigation" and "adaptation" strategies in response to climate change, implementing carbon management across products, processes, and supply chains.
Risk assessment, water source utilization, consumption and recycling rates, water conservation measures and effectiveness, and control of wastewater treatment and discharge.
Species, reduction practices and effectiveness of air pollutants.
Consumption of various energy sources, initiatives and effectiveness of energy conservation measures.
Consumption of various energy sources, initiatives and effectiveness of energy conservation measures.
Region, impact, conservation and rehabilitation measures, performance indicators and targets, sponsorship of relevant organizations, support initiatives.
${ nullArr.length === index + 1 ? item : item+','}
. You haven't finished answering yetVery High
Human resources policy, employee performance assessment, compensation and rewards system, promotion and rotation policies.
Planning for employee career development, content and performance indicators for education and training, training effectiveness, retirement capability management.
Occupational safety and health management system, disaster prevention, disaster drills, incidents of work-related injuries and occupational diseases, statistics on fatalities.
Establish a work environment that embraces employee diversity in terms of nationality, ethnicity, gender, and minority groups. Attract a diverse pool of international talents to enhance organizational competitiveness.
Strategies for charity or community involvement, types of philanthropic activities, and allocation of various resources.
Establish a human rights due diligence process to identify human rights risks. Set annual mitigation and remediation measures to safeguard employee rights, prevent child labor, forced labor, discrimination, and harassment.
${ nullArr.length === index + 1 ? item : item+','}
. You haven't finished answering yetThanks a lot for your help.
Please contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding this questionnaire
Shu.hui.Liang / Ves.Lu
Phone:03-3598800 /