BenQ Group Receives Recognition: Nine Honors at Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards

BenQ Group Receives Recognition: Nine Honors at Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards
July 21,2023
Qisda's ESG action
The BenQ Group expanded its sustainable impact, and this year, the grand fleet partners once again secured recognition at the “2023 3rd Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards.” Among the 321 sustainable action projects competing, they stood out, receiving a total of nine awards, including “Two Gold, Five Silver, and Two Bronze” honors. This represents double growth compared to the four awards received last year, highlighting the outstanding achievements of the grand fleet in co-creation and sharing sustainable experiences.
BenQ Group’s President, Joe Huang, stated that the grand fleet is spreading its sustainable impact to group partners through sustainable action projects, contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Balancing development in the three dimensions of environment, society, and governance, they collaborate with the BenQ Foundation, BenQ Dialysis, BenQ Corporation, ACE Energy, DFI, BenQ Materials, Hitron Technologies, and Alpha Networks to actively practice sustainability, circularity, and social impact.
SDGs17 Gold Award – BenQ Foundation: “Sustainable Value of Traveling Volunteers in Urban and Rural Areas“
For ten consecutive years, the BenQ Foundation has called for “DOC Volunteer Trips,” mobilizing group volunteers to enter local communities. They have long been committed to local development issues in the Hsinchu and Miaoli areas, engaging in agricultural labor and environmental education, familiarizing themselves with the local “community, culture, environment, industries, and landscapes. ” They promote collaboration between businesses and communities, energize community and social cohesion, maintain close communication with stakeholders, and establish a marketing support system based on local perspectives. Over the past decade, a total of 3,783 group volunteers have participated, contributing friendly purchases of over NTD 28 million. By expanding their social inclusivity and impact, they are realizing their vision of sustainable operations in rural areas.
SDGs12 Silver Award – BenQ Dialysis: “Circular Economy of Green Medical Materials“
BenQ Dialysis implements an in-house recycling program for processing consumables, allowing the ultimate conversion of waste into renewable energy and extending the materials’ life cycle. The Qflux series hemodialyzers, known for their exceptional mechanism design and lightweight construction, offer a combination of environmental-friendliness and portability. Continuously optimizing their products, the company follows ISO14001 and ESG practices throughout the product design and manufacturing processes. By promoting water conservation, waste reduction, energy efficiency, and carbon reduction to fulfill SDGs, BenQ Dialysis is committed to providing comprehensive hemodialysis solutions for end-stage kidney disease patients worldwide.
SDGs12 Silver Award - BenQ Corporation: “Shaping the Future of Technology Learning“
BenQ Corporation incorporates technology into teaching by utilizing large interactive touch displays, which are brought into campus classrooms. These large interactive touch displays go beyond being simple projection screens; they combine the various functions of a blackboard, television, and projection screen. Additionally, BenQ Corporation organizes various online courses to help teachers become more proficient with digital tools, addressing the challenges faced by frontline educators. This approach transforms traditional teaching methods by leveraging digital tools to assist teaching, enhance student engagement, and enable more diverse lesson planning.
SDGs 07 Bronze Award - ACE Energy: “Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction - Turning Waste Heat into Gold“
ACE Energy collaborates with all industries to create energy-saving solutions. Leveraging its expertise in energy planning, it introduces heat recovery technology to various projects, converting previously overlooked waste heat from air conditioning into reusable energy. The waste heat from factory equipment is repurposed for civilian water use, transforming green initiatives into profitable opportunities for clients to expand their business horizons while simultaneously prioritizing environmental sustainability and gaining green returns. By participating in these initiatives, clients reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Through maximizing energy circulation benefits, together, they advance towards a path of circular economy and carbon reduction.
SDGs09 Bronze Award – Qisda Corporation: “Fostering a Sustainable Talent Pipeline from Past to Future“
Qisda Corporation takes a talent sustainability strategy as its starting point, focusing on talent sustainability development as the main axis. With the assistance of digital transformation, they enhance organizational value and work efficiency, transforming work patterns, and creating an effective cycle of “recruitment, nurturing, utilization, and retention.” This approach accelerates the realization of the group’s strategic vision, enabling employees to unleash their potential to accomplish more significant tasks and achieves sustainable business operations.
Collaborative Grand Fleet Initiatives: Embracing Sustainability and Receiving Nine Recognitions
The BenQ Group not only pursues its own sustainable operation but also extends sustainable impact to its partners in the grand fleet. DFI’s “SDGs 11 Happiness Bus Transforms Rural Distance“ received gold award recognition; Hitron Technologies’ “SDGs 12 Recycling Plastic to Create Green Products,” BenQ Materials’ “SDGs 02 Taiwan Agri-Food Action Support Program,” and Alpha Networks’ “SDGs 12 Modular Packaging for Plastic and Waste Reduction“ all received silver award recognition. They actively practice sustainable actions and move towards the goal of “Together, Make the World Better.”
The Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards (TSAA) encourage the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through concrete action plans and successful cases. Through this award, companies are recognized and encouraged to actively contribute and make a difference. In this third edition, a total of 185 organizations participated, submitting 321 entries for evaluation by a panel of 100 experts, scholars, and social leaders. The organizers stated that overall, companies have shown significant improvement in sustainable performance, including outstanding cases in various specific aspects. They hope that with collective efforts from all sectors, a better and sustainable home can be created for present and future generations.
TSAA Award Winners in BenQ Group:
Qisda Corporation:
Gold Award – SDGs 17 Sustainable Value of Traveling Volunteers in Urban and Rural Areas (BenQ Foundation)
Silver Award – SDGs 12 Circular Economy of Green Medical Materials (BenQ Dialysis)
Bronze Award –SDGs 07 Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction - Turning Waste Heat into Gold (ACE Energy)
Bronze Award –SDGs 09 Fostering a Sustainable Talent Pipeline from Past to Future (Qisda Corporation)
BenQ Corporation:
Silver Award – SDG 04 Shaping the Future of Technology Education
Gold Award – SDGs 11 Happiness Bus Transforms Rural Distance
BenQ Materials:
Silver Award – SDGs 02 Taiwan Agri-Food Action Support Program
Alpha Networks:
Silver Award –SDGs 12 Modular Packaging for Plastic and Waste Reduction
Hitron Technologies:
Silver Award – SDGs 12 Recycling Plastic to Create Green Products